Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith together founded Hotmail in 1993.
On the other hand, people such as Sabeer Bhatia invented a free method to store retrieve and receive document and emails. Aryabhatta’s contribution of the invention of ‘zero’ is well known.
If you’re abroad and someone says, ‘You Indian guys are not creative enough don’t get disheartened because we had great people such as astronomer Aryabhatta among us. If you want to make the switch and create a account, here is how to do it. Was recently updated to Outlook to give users a better experience and a faster user interface. However, due to few reasons it is now not possible to create a new account & Hotmail Email Login.
People went frenzy over using the Hotmail addresses because of the extensive features it has got. Been one of the most used email portals for a while now.